Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I wear my heart on my sleeve.....

Yep, I told you so!
I bet you are wondering what this is all about?  Well, I am gaining a brand new niece in November and of course that means I've been attempting to create some baby goodies.  This is a gown my two kiddos colored and drew on with fabric markers and should have seen their faces.... 
 "You WANT us to write on the fabric? 
 Is this a trick?
  Will we get in trouble for this?
  Are you SURE? 
The hot pink sleeves and ribbing are from an old shirt of mine.  The kids created the custom fabric for the gown and ...... instant fashion sensation!  I am thankful that my sister in law will totally LOVE that my kids made this for their new baby E.

This next one is made with eyelet and pink flannel.  Soft and cuddly.  The eyelet spent a former life as a curtain....I imagine she will see more love as a baby gown!
I cut out four gowns from this pattern.  I had never used it before and I learned a valuable lesson that kinda seems like a no-brainer but nonetheless: always sew the pattern at least once before cutting out a stack.  I found that I am not really fond of this you will see that no two gowns are alike.  I tried a couple different techniques to see if I can salvage the pattern.....jury is still out on that!  But at least it gave me a jumping off point...right?
This next little gown was cut from a blouse of mine that I loved but it not longer fits.  I love pin tucks and insertion lace and all the goodness known as "heirloom" sewing.  So I held on to the blouse for a couple of years.  Now, I am so glad I did.  This is a quick way to make an adorable gown!

I really love giving hand made gifts. And I love crocheted baby blankets.  And I love to crochet.....just not so much, baby blankets.  You see....unless the project is something that grows quickly, crocheting looses my attention quickly.  I am an instant-gratification-kind-a-girl, I guess.  Welcome to my new favorite crochet project: a baby bunting!  All the fun and coziness of a baby blanket and the quickness necessary to keep me plugging away at it!
 I hope Baby E feels a hug and kiss from her Aunt Kellie when she is snuggled in, warm and cozy.  Oh, I so wish I lived close enough to hold that little sweetie when she arrives.......

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